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Letchworth works

  1. Painting off, (2021) Exeter pebble glaze, Letchworth pebble glaze, inkjet ink, porcelain tile.

  1. Sparse pixels II, (2021) Hole-punched hi-temperature transfer of digital photograph, porcelain, pebble dust, black stoneware tile.

  1. In the palm, (2021) Hole-punched hi-temperature transfer of digital photograph, porcelain, pebble dust, glaze.

Exeter works

  1. By the Action of Water, (2021) Letchworth pebble glaze, pebble dust, inkjet ink, porcelain tile.

  1. Dot-matrix, (2021) Hole-punched hi-temperature transfer of digital photograph, porcelain, Exeter pebble glaze, black stoneware tile.

  1. Sparse pixels I, (2021) Hole-punched hi-temperature transfer of digital photograph, pebble dust, glaze, black stoneware tile.


Molly and I decided to send each other something. She sent me a postcard of a pebble, and an actual pebble.

I crushed the pebble into a powder and turned it into a ceramic glaze

I cut hole-punch samples out of the postcard

I extracted the colours from different parts of the photograph

I wanted to send a pebble back to Exeter. So I found a pebble and processed it in the same way I had Molly’s.

The works are remnant objects from this process. Here are some words that emerged during the process also:

Molly sent me a postcard.

a mono - d, dot-matrix photograph.

A pebble, printed in sparse pixels -

I can see every dot on the surface of the paper

/Pebble - a smooth stone, rounded by the action of water.

Molly sent me a stone -

grey with a white line.

I bake it brown and grind it down

I dip into it and pour it over

Molly sent me a print

I copy it and drop

water ontop.

Painting off the colours

/Pebble - a small stone, typically of a size that will fit in the palm of the hand.

Molly sent me a photo -

I punch holes (she would have)

I save the little discs

The sheet that is left,

with a lacy symmetry,

twists like henna on a wrist



Exeter Work - Like two sides of the same stone (part 1)/ Far Apart, But Holding On (2021) Digital print on planning paper and screenprint on card 

Letchworth work - Like two sides of the same stone (part 2)/ Far Apart, But Holding On (2021) Digital print on planning paper and screenprint on card 


Devon-based Molly Rooke’s multi-disciplinary practice negotiates preservation and longing through collections of images and ephemera

“The work I’ve made for correspondence really developed from being paired with Abi. Having the opportunity to share ideas with another artist helped me to think about my practice from a different viewpoint, and our discussions ended up focusing the ideas on a shared object - a stone, and an image of that stone. The act of punching holes really permeated both our works in the end, and I have loved that the action has become the shared element of both of our works, and the stone that I’ve created an image from has become a glaze for Abi’s ceramics.”

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