Porträts eines Nachahmers (Portraits of a copycat), 2018
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments, oil paint (part of a diptych)
102 x 76 x 5 cm

Porträts eines Nachahmers (Portraits of a copycat), 2018
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments, oil paint (part of a diptych)
102 x 76 x 5 cm

Papagei eines Papageien (A Parrot’s Parrot), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments, wood
145 x 90 x 45 cm

Cassandra "Ich sehe große Gefahren" Wilde Sittiche ("Cassandra, I see big dangers" Feral parakeets), 2018
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments, oil paint
102 x 76 x 5 cm

Politik I (Politics I), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Politik II (Politics II), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Politik III (Politics III), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Politik IV (Politics IV), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Das Bild einer Wiese (The picture of a meadow), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
102 x 76 x 5 cm

Laufende Nase (Runny nose), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Politik V (Politics V), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Politik VI (Politics VI), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Stilleben als Optimist, Stilleben als Banana (Still Life as an optimist, Still Life as a Banana) 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments (diptych)
102 x 76 x 5 cm (twice)

Ein Ei auf einem Ei (An egg on an egg), 2018
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40.5 x 31.5 x 6.5 cm

Ein Ei auf einem Hut (An egg on a hat), 2018
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40.5 x 31.5 x 6.5 cm

Ein nackter Vogel (A bird in the nude) 2018
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40.5 x 31.5 x 6.5 cm

Stillleben als vorpubertärer Maler (Still life as a prepubescent painter), 2017
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
102 x 76 x 5 cm

Alt. Im Park. Auf einer Bank. Mit gebrochenem Fernglas.
(Old. In a park. Sitting on a bench. With a pair of broken binoculars.), 2018
wood, armature wire, paper, clay, polyurethane, spray paint, oil paint
65.5 x 37 x 36 cm

Ein singender Vogel (Eine Pause, dann ein langer Kuss)
A singing bird (a pause then a long kiss), 2018
wood, modroc, pastel
56.7 x 39 x 47 cm
Other available works - not in exhibition

Der Zuschauer (The audience / the onlooker), 2018
wood, modroc, fibreglass, composite, pigments
185 x 121 x 55.5 cm

Segeln durch Öl und Nebel (Sailing Through Oil and Mist), 2016
Cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Regnerischen Tag, gelbe Jacke (Rainy Day, Yellow Jacket), 2016
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm

Trockenlandscha ft (Arid), 2016
cast composite, fibreglass, pigments
40 x 30 x 3 cm
Jean-Philippe Dordolo
2017-19 MFA Sculpture, Slade School of Art, UCL (London)
2008-11 BA (Hons) Fine Art, Byam Shaw School Of Art, UAL (London)
Selected Exhibitions
2016 Timing & Duration, Berlin (DE)
2016 Pool @ The Cut, Halesworth
2016 Gone Fishing, Centrum, Berlin (DE) w/ Cornelia Baltes
2015 Flatland, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Edinburgh w/ Kadie Salmon
2014 Mark Wallinger presents The Best of Bow Arts, Bermondsey Project, London by Mark Wallinger
2014 Open, Bohunk Institute, Nottingham
2014 Everything Must Go, AIR Archway, London
2014 Come Closer, Art First Projects, London w/Lewis Betts
2013 Universal Fragments: Conversations with Trevor Shearer, Large Glass, London w/Miroslaw Balka, Massimo Bartolini, Tonico Lemos Auad, Jean-Luc Moulène and Alison Turnbull
2013 Sluice Art Fair with Vinyl Art Space (Birmingham), London
2013 New Work, Bermondsey Project 2, London w/Claire Baily, Olivia Bax and Jack Conway Hems
2013 We Are All Alternative Structures, Curated by Borbala Soos, T_A_P, Southend On Sea w/Greig Burgoyne, Clawson & Ward, Ian Giles and Scott Massey
2013 The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics 5/5, Vinyl Site / Edible Eastside, Birmingham (Solo)
2013 The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics 1/5, Vinyl Site / The Wig, Birmingham
2012 Bow Arts Open, Bermondsey Project, London
2012 Project Number 7, P/N Project Space, London w/Cornelia Baltes, Robert Filby, Daisy Addison and Andreas Banderas
2012 The Art Takeaway, Artwash Collective, Oxford
2012 Blood Orange, The Last Refuge, London
2012 Curator’s Egg Altera Pars, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London
2011 Phantasmagoria, Meanwhile Space, London
2011 9 ‘Til 5, Leroy House, London
2011 The Essential Salon Show, Calli Road Festival, London
2011 BA Degree Show, Byam Shaw / Central St Martins, London
2010 Static Non Static, Russian Club Studios, London
2016 Centrum, Berlin (DE)
2015 Triangle Workshop, Salem NY (USA)
2015 Micro Residency, Edinburgh Sculpture Workshop, Edinburgh (Scotland)
2013 Vinyl Site / Vinyl Art Space, Birmingham (UK)
2013 Ambit Drawing Residency, Norfolk (UK)
Der eiserne Riese, 2007 to accompany an essay by Gavin Morrison.
DATEAGLEART - August 2017
Interview by Vanessa Murrell.
TOOLBOOK - August 2017
By Sarah G. Sharp.
AMBIT 229 - July 2017
Er tanzte nackt im Garten. Er hatte Angst vor Wasser, 2013 as part of Summer Salon feature.
VINYL ART – October 2013
Sluice Art Fair.
FRIEZE, Issue 147 – May 2012
The Curator’s Egg, Anthony Reynolds Gallery, London. Review.
POOL, Vol. 1 – May 2012
Neil Ayling, Anthony Caro, Claire Baily, Olivia Bax, Jean-Philippe Dordolo, Charles Hewlings, John Wallbank. Edited by Olivia Bax and Sophie Hoyle.
Additional information
Jean-Philippe Dordolo is Art co-editor for the quarterly magazine AMBIT (www.ambitmagazine.co.uk) since October 2013.